Russian Accelerator Members Speak Russian: Will You Be Next?
When we did a T-shirt give-away for members who were traveling to Russia, many of them were kind enough to send in pictures of themselves along with comments about the Russian Accelerator course. Thanks again to every body who participated!
Bill Coon - (Taken in Kiev in January!)
“Increasing my vocabulary every day. It’s amazing! This coming from a teacher as well. Thank you so much for this course.”
Special Ed. Teacher - Haddonfield, NJ

Randy Mauldin - (Taken in Zaporozhe, Ukraine)
“I am very impressed with the first 4 Units I have done. I find myself replying to waitresses in Russian without realizing it. It has been very enjoyable to this point and I look forward to future sessions. Mark, I just wanted to send you a huge thank you for the “secret phrases”! I selected a few and learned them pretty well and spoke them into the ear to my brand new fiance’. Where did you get these things? Just these are worth the price of the course! WOW!”
Herbicide Specialist - Concord, North Carolina

Jean Coulter - (Visited Orphanage in Kyrgyzstan)
“The Russian I learned was enough to get me around and keep us fed and watered. Thanks again for a very user friendly course.”
Drogheda, Ireland

Dr. Robert White - (Taken in St. Petersburg)
“I’m having an immense amount of fun. II haven’t felt so energised about something new in a long time. This is an excellent program! Clear and helpful.”
Physician - Alberta, Canada

John Keneally - (Taken in Vinista, Ukraine)
“I find the course well designed, and the practical examples of how the different cases are used, instead of some confusing grammatical explanation, are very helpful. When I visit Ukraine, I can get by in shops etc. after reaching Unit 12, which is great. Actually for me it’s a miracle!. I was always poor at languages at school. If they had been taught in the Russian Accelerator way, who knows... ”
Technical Director - Exeter, U.K.

Tim Thompson - (Taken in Odessa)
“The course is great! I believe now I will be able to talk to my Ukrainian girlfriend in Russian. How awesome! Mark, I wish to remain your student for all time as this is the best course I’ve ever done. This is the ultimate Russian learning course, and you are the best teacher I’ve ever encountered. You’re awesome! I’m learning more than I ever thought possible.”
Guard Dog Trainer - Melbourne, Australia

Craig Pauley - (Taken St. Petersburg)
“Привет Марк,
(Hi Mark!)
Я занимаюсь русским каждый день!
I study Russian every day!)
Мы ездили в Санкт-Петербург на выходные.
Это было классно!
(We took a trip to St. Petersburg this weekend.
It was awesome!)
Мы видели много музеев. Эрмитаж,
Екатерининский дворец и Петергоф дворец.
(We saw lots of museums. The Hermitage, the Catherine Palace, and the Perterhof Palace.)
Екатерининский дворец был мой любимый.
Он очень красивый.
(The Catherine Palace was my favorite. It’s very pretty.)
Я посылаю тебе фотогафииот
Санкт-Петербурга в моей любимой
(I’m sending you photos from St. Ptersburg in my favorite T-shirt!!!!”)
Пока, (Bye!)
Крэйг (Craig)”
Training Consultant - Lincolnshire, England

Wes Jackson - (Taken Nikolaev)
“Have had a great time here and what I learned from Russian Accelerator was beyond useful. I was here last year, and spoke no Russian. This year, what a difference! Whether ordering food, asking directions or buying souvenirs, people were much warmer and open towards me. In a small way, I feel like a part of the culture now, rather than just a total outsider looking in. I am learning a great deal, and I really enjoy the teaching method. It is very effective. ”
Processor U.S. Postal Service - Phoenix, AZ

James Daloisio - (Taken Kiev)
“After spending a number of months with your course... I was able to communicate sufficiently to make my way around by myself.
I am happy to be able to walk into a coffee shop and say ya xochu kofe pazhualista. and then, Spasiba. Last time I was there I actually ate at a restaurant called Peevo i vada. And I knew what it meant!!!”
Lawyer - Riverside, California

Mark Thomson
“After struggling to learn Russian, Mark took a step back and turned his attention to the study of language acquisition. He discovered that the key to fluency and quickly learning Russian was to combine a variety of powerful yet often overlooked language learning techniques. As a master teacher who understands exactly what the difficulties will be for beginning students, Mark has created the ultimate Russian laguage learning program.”
Russian Accelerator Course Creator

Modern Methods For Mastering Russian
Russian Accelerator members talk about their impression of the course.
“Russian Colleagues Impressed!”
I got to practice on two Russian work colleagues... To say they were impressed is an understatement.
“Having Conversations!”
In just nine weeks I was able to have a phone conversation with my friend in the Ukraine.
“Love The Course”
I really love the course, so well-organized, interesting and lively.
“Thank You”
The nice thing with the Russian Accelerator Method is that we can progress at our own speed with no outside stress.